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Name: Julia Nordlund

Email Address: 

Position: Research Coordinator


Julia graduated from McGill University in 2018 with a Master of Science in Biology with a concentration in Conservation, Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour. Her thesis focused on species distribution modelling of small mammal hosts of Lyme disease in North America. She originally joined the Thombs research team in 2019 as the administrator and research assistant with the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC), an organization chaired by Dr. Thombs. She has since joined the SPIN team in 2021 as a clinical research coordinator, taking charge in coordinating the SPIN-SELF (Self-Management) trial and various other projects.


- Québec Center for Biodiversity Science Excellence Award. Awarded to top graduate students in biodiversity science to support their M.Sc. research. May 2017.

- Redpath Museum Delise Alison Award. Award to support M.Sc. studies at McGill University. May 2016.

McGill University Biology Department Travel Award. Awarded to fund travels to support M.Sc. research. November 2015 and May 2016.



Thombs BD, Levis B, Carrier M-E, Dyas L, Nordlund J, et al. Effects of a Support Group Leader Education Program Jointly Developed by Health Professionals and Patients on Peer Leader Self-Efficacy among Leaders of Scleroderma Support Groups: A Two-Arm Parallel Partially Nested Randomised Controlled Trial. Accepted for publication. 2022.


Gordon JK, Showalter K, Wu Y, Kwakkenbos L, Carrier ME, Henry RS, Østbø N, Nordlund J, et al. SPIN COVID-19 Patient Advisory Team on behalf of the SPIN Investigators. Systemic sclerosis and COVID-19 vaccines: a SPIN Cohort study. Lancet Rheumatol. 2022 Apr;4(4):e243-e246.


Nordlund J, Henry RS, Kwakkenbos L, et al. The Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Self-Management (SPIN-SELF) Program: protocol for a two-arm parallel partially nested randomized controlled feasibility trial with progression to full-scale trial. Trials. 2021 Nov 27;22(1):856.


Thombs BD, Kwakkenbos L, Levis B, Bourgeault A, Henry RS, Levis AW, Harb S, Tao L, Carrier ME, Bustamante L, Duchek D, Dyas L, El-Baalbaki G, Ellis K, Rice DB, Wurz A, Nordlund J, et al. Effects of a multi-faceted education and support programme on anxiety symptoms among people with systemic sclerosis and anxiety during COVID-19 (SPIN-CHAT): a two-arm parallel, partially nested, randomised, controlled trial. Lancet Rheumatol. 2021 Jun;3(6):e427-e437.



Nordlund, J., Henry, R.S., Mieszczak, T., et al. Testing the effectiveness of the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Self-Management (SPIN-SELF) Program: Empowering patients to improve their scleroderma management skills. 20th Bi-Annual National Scleroderma Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. September 2022.


Nordlund, J.L. Community-level distribution modelling of small mammal tick hosts of Lyme disease. Québec Center for Biodiversity Science (QCBS) Annual Symposium. Montréal, Québec. December 2017.


Barrow, J., Chin, T., Nordlund, J.L. & Wong, D. Conservation, Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour Retreat & Symposium. Mont Saint-Hilaire, Gault Nature Reserve. April 2017. 


Henrique, P.H.B, & Nordlund, J.L. Workshop: Predicting species geographical distributions. 1st Annual Québec Center for Biodiversity Science (QCBS) R Symposium. Gault Nature Reserve, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec. April 2017. 


Nordlund, J.L. Multispecies distribution modeling: using integrative methods to project assemblages of vertebrate tick hosts of Lyme disease. Redpath Museum Seminar Series. McGill University, Montréal, Québec. March 2017. 


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